California Supply Chain Act
Nutrawise Health & Beauty Statement on Slavery and Human Trafficking
As a conscientious manufacturer doing business in California and pursuant to the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010, Nutrawise Health & Beauty Corporation (“Nutrawise”) makes the following statements and disclosures regarding its efforts to prevent slavery and human trafficking in its supply chain.
Nutrawise is committed to complying with the law wherever we operate and to conducting all business activities in accordance with the highest ethical standards. We expect the same of the parties with which we do business. Our ethical standard is reflected in our Standard Vendor Agreement and our Code of Conduct, which our suppliers are subject to as a condition of doing business with Nutrawise.
Slavery and Human Trafficking: Nutrawise strongly opposes slavery and human trafficking and will never knowingly conduct business with suppliers engaged in such practices. Nutrawise supports all lawful efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking and observes all internationally proclaimed human rights. In connection with the eradication of any slavery or human trafficking from its supply chain, Nutrawise makes the following disclosures of its efforts.
Nutrawise engages in verification of its product supply chains to evaluate human trafficking and slavery risks. Currently this verification involves internal inquiry to suppliers and includes mandatory supplier representations regarding human trafficking, child labor and slavery. At this time this verification does not include independent investigations into such supplier representations.
Nutrawise conducts limited announced direct supplier audits to evaluate compliance with its supply chain standards, including as to human trafficking and slavery. These audits review multiple aspects of supplier operations and are conducted internally by inquiries to its direct suppliers as well as through physical audits of the direct supplier’s work site. At this time the audits are not independent unannounced audits.
The purchasing policies of Nutrawise require that all direct suppliers certify that materials purchased by Nutrawise or incorporated into Nutrawise products or into components of products comply with the laws regarding slavery and human trafficking not only of the United States of America but also of the country or countries in which such suppliers do business. The Nutrawise Standard Vendor Agreement and Code of Conduct expressly prohibits suppliers from utilizing any forced or compulsory labor; Nutrawise will not do business with a supplier that fails to warrant compliance with all applicable laws and will likewise discontinue business with a supplier who fails to live up to that promise. Nutrawise also advises suppliers that this policy and expectation extends not only to the direct supplier, but to their upstream material and component suppliers as well.
Nutrawise maintains internal accountability standards for its employees, contractors and/or suppliers failing to adhere to its standards regarding slavery and human trafficking. Nutrawise also makes a Code of Conduct hotline and email available to employees, contractors and/or suppliers to provide a vehicle for anonymously reporting concerns dealing with potentially unfair, unlawful, or unethical business practices and to maintain a system through which Nutrawise can investigate claims and address complaints. When received, worker allegations are investigated and at the conclusion of an investigation, Nutrawise takes appropriate actions in light of the findings, consistent with the Nutrawise standards. Such actions may range from corrective action plans and remediation to the discontinuation of the business relationship.
Nutrawise does not currently provide, but is in the process of developing and incorporating in its training programs, material and curriculum for employees and supervisors with responsibility for supply chain management, specific training on human trafficking and slavery, particularly with respect to mitigating risks thereof within the Nutrawise supply chain.